E-Marketing simply defined, is marketing your online business. It is a very effective means of marketing for SMEs and can only be the best friend you can not afford to ignore. eMarketing can be your most cost effective promotional tool, offering the best return on investment through your marketing and produce more targeted campaigns. The results are easy to follow and the data are often readily available for analysis and use to optimize their business activities of marketing. When the 87% of Australian companies and 72% of Australian households have Internet access and 58% of Australians use the internet every day, numbers that only increased year after year, SMEs can not afford to eMarketing ignore as part of their marketing strategies.
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E-Marketing encompasses a wide variety of online activities that you can participate in - including your website, but also all other online activities that generate leads, convert them into customers, and encourage greater interaction and / or increased spending their customers more frequently. eMarketing methods may be contained:
  • e-newsletters
  • email campaigns
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization
  • online advertising
  • pay per click advertising
  • create brand awareness online
  • social networks
  • blogs
  • Online Magazines (Electronic newsletters)
  • CRM ( Customer Relationship Management software)
  • Google Analytics
  • eCommerce
  • Online PR
  • Online Business directories. For example: chicagobd
  • and members online

E-Marketing potentially puts your business in the hands of each line of Australia who may be interested in what you offer (or overseas clients depending on where to focus their campaigns) and allows SMEs to compete with much bigger players in the Australian and global market. Most importantly, E-Marketing should be considered as the best friend of SMEs, as it has the potential to provide the best ROI for your marketing activities, generate immediate visibility and can help plan an important structured growth, prompt and often.

E-Marketing can be targeted to attract the right types of customers, for example, the use of certain keywords in your Adwords campaign, or email campaigns to certain segments of your database. You are able to avoid wasting time and money communicating with people who are not interested in your message.

The nature of online activities means that the interaction can be tracked, often the smallest detail. You can know who is watching what and when, how you found it, where they come from, etc., all with the touch of your fingers. The data is also available immediately ineffective activities and wasteful way can stop and pour resources into effective action. You can test and refine their online eMarketing activities and determine return on investment (ROI) of any campaign.

Generally, e-marketing activities and processes are cheaper alternatives to traditional marketing mediums, such as online promotion options such as print advertising. Regardless of the initial cost of these activities, however, the nature of eMarketing, targeted and measurable means it is the most profitable to grow your business.

When most companies with 200 or more employees have a web presence (96%), and only a quarter (27%) of firms with 0-4 employees have a web presence, only becomes more urgent to establish a web presence.

* Imagine the competitive advantage that can win simply by having a web presence and you would see the advantage over your competitors if you developed sophisticated eMarketing campaign.

E-Marketing is the best friend of SMEs and help you grow your business - not just ignore your new best friend and take the time to plan, review and analyze to maximize your electronic marketing efforts.

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